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The Bees

We named Queen B Coffee Company after our mom, whose nickname was the queen bee… We also always loved bees, especially because our mother did! Often we’d get her gifts of Swarovski crystal bees or a wallet with bees on it. Since she was a teacher, she often would turn everything into a lesson, so discussions about bees and how magical they were would definitely be discussed.


90% of the entire world’s nutrition is dependent upon pollinators like bees! So, they’re very important! Without bees, our entire ecosystem 

Charli McLemore Bee Photo

delicious scones… That is something we simply could not live without! 


So, in appreciation of the bees, we are partnering with local organizations to give a percentage of sales to help support the bees and help keep the bee population alive and strong!

would collapse, and there would be no more coffee or tea or

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